English Fun Days 趣味英文周

Our school held its annual English Fun Days with Australians students from partner school, Wycliffe Christian School, from 12th to 14th April. We had amazing English Talent show performed by our students and interesting presentations made by Australian friends. The lunch-time activities were very interesting, and students enjoyed the games, food and music a lot!

本校英文科與於4月12至14日舉行一年一度的趣味英文周。期間,除有我校學生精彩的英語才藝表演外,Wycliffe Christian School學生亦分享他們的澳洲文化和生活點滴。午間活動亦多姿多彩,有豐富遊戲、食物和英語音樂,同學都樂在其中!

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