English Department ‘Speak Out-Act Up!’ Improvised English Drama Competition 2015/16 英文科Speak Out-Act Up! 即席英語話劇比賽

7 students from our school went to this year’s English Drama Competition, called, “Speak Out!-Act Up!” at Tsuen Wan Town Hall, organised by the EDB NET section. Over 60 schools took part across different venues around Hong Kong. Our students practised for weeks and on the day performed a 4-minute sketch. All had a great time, acting well and enjoying other students’ performances

教育局課程發展處外籍英語老師組舉辦的 Speak Out-Act Up英語話劇比賽於4月26日舉行,當日下午我校7名學生前往荃灣大會堂比賽。是次比賽吸引全港超過60間學校參與,並在各區場地比賽。雖然只是短短4分鐘的短劇,但我校學生花了多個星期練習。同學們傾力演出之餘,亦細心欣賞其他學校學生的表演,度過了愉快的下午。


Wycliffe Visit 友校來訪

We are delighted to have our Australian friends spending 4 school days (12th-15th April) with us. We had lots of fun showing them around, having lessons and even lunches together. It was such a nice chance for us to make friends and communicate in English.

友校Wycliffe Christian School師生從澳洲遠渡而來,與我們共度四個愉快的上課日。 兩校學生一起上課學習、一起共進午餐,積極以英語交流、樂也融融。


English Fun Days 趣味英文周

Our school held its annual English Fun Days with Australians students from partner school, Wycliffe Christian School, from 12th to 14th April. We had amazing English Talent show performed by our students and interesting presentations made by Australian friends. The lunch-time activities were very interesting, and students enjoyed the games, food and music a lot!

本校英文科與於4月12至14日舉行一年一度的趣味英文周。期間,除有我校學生精彩的英語才藝表演外,Wycliffe Christian School學生亦分享他們的澳洲文化和生活點滴。午間活動亦多姿多彩,有豐富遊戲、食物和英語音樂,同學都樂在其中!


Guangzhou & Shenzhen Cultural Visit 2016 廣深文化探索之旅

Principal Fung, teachers and students, together with students from sister school, China Holiness College, and our lovely Australian friends from partner school, Wycliffe Christian School, from Sydney Australia, enjoyed a wonderful 3-day-2-night trip in Guangzhou and Shenzhen from 8th to 10th April. We had a lot fun visiting the Toyota factory, theme park and enjoying the beautiful night view of the Pearl River on a cruise. It was a great chance for all the students to understand more about the Chinese culture, history and current situation of China.

馮校長、本校師生聯同友校中聖書院以及澳洲悉尼Wycliffe Christian School的師生,於四月八到十日前往廣州和深圳,進行三日兩夜美好的文化探索之旅。通過參觀廣州豐田車、文族文化村、夜遊珠江等體驗,學生都能對中國文化、歷史以及現況有更多的了解。




Students’ Comments  學生感想:

‘I learnt more about Chinese culture…’


2C Tsang Wing Yu曾頴瑜, Winki

‘The night view of Pearl River is very beautiful!’


  3A Sin Yee Man 單綺文, Hatty

‘Students in Jinhui Primary School were very hardworking practising their sport skills.’


3A To Ching Yee 陶靖儀, Christy




展覽展示本校於大埔寶鄉街壁畫美化計劃上的創作成果,計劃由視藝科及歷史科聯手合作,並邀請了兩位藝術家Angryangry及Karen Pow帶領本校校友及學生以插畫及馬賽克形式,展現大埔昔日風貌及現今繁盛,並重新演繹大埔之美。

「靈山風華」作品展覽繼續走出靈風,今次接受中文大學教育學院邀請於該院展覽,展期由8/4 至21/4,簡單而隆重的開幕禮亦已於4月8日下午4:45於中文大學教育學院崇基書院何添樓地下學生活動室舉行。主禮嘉賓有:香港中文大學教育學院院長梁湘明教授、副院長劉兆瑛教授、楊秀珠教授、本校校監陳寶安博士及副校長倪飛雪老師;並由計劃統籌、視覺藝術科科主任Sisi老師及4位同學:5A黃樂怡、5B李栩彤、3D 梁智樂及3D杜嘉儀講解創作意念。而司儀則由為中大教育學院通識教育系4年級同學、現於靈風中學實習的王為棟老師及何君諾老師擔任。

開幕禮另有多位中文大學教授,如梁啟智博士、李潔冰博士及謝偉成博士駕臨,令整個活動生色不少!而本校歷史科德茵老師、淑明老師、Michael Sir;視藝科小丸老師;另外,文翔老師、柏燊老師,Andy Sir及 Terry Sir亦出席支持;更有梁智樂及黃樂怡家長、參與創作的同學和3D班的同學親臨現場支持!

