參加「活出豐盛」生涯規劃試工活動 本校學生獲機構極力嘉許

5D班郭嘉駿同學於2017年7月參加由香港聖公會福利協會舉辦「活出豐盛」計劃的試工活動,到HK PET SERVICE擔任寵物護理員。嘉駿於試工期間表現出眾,獲負責人極力讚賞,並頒發嘉許狀以示欣賞和肯定。以下是嘉許狀中負責人的讚賞:


Dear Principal & All Teachers,

Your student Ka Chun, who has a hard working student, & he follows all instructions at work.

Ka Chun is aggressive & motivated to looking for his job & he can finish his work very smart, so he is “SUPER”!

We appreciate your student very much!

Ka Chun keeps your positive thinking & you will succeed in future.

Try to attend more Career Plan project, you should broaden your vision.

Best regards from HK PET Service!


本篇發表於 學生成就其他學校資訊其他學校資訊學生成就社區活動 ,並標籤為